Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"What's your Scandal?"

My group came up with a "What's your Scandal?" murder mystery party for the CW Campaign competition. This idea was based on the actual plot of "Melrose Place" because during the first episode, the landlord was murdered. We thought the murder mystery would be a great way for our guests to personally interact with the plot.

To publicize for the event, we sent out a press release to school and local media. An interactive facebook group was created with trivia questions and facts about "90210" and "Melrose Place." Invitations were handed out to the main characters of the plot before the event. Also, eye-catching flyers were made and posted around campus.

The day of the event a "What's your Scandal" tie-dye took place on campus. There were three colors which represented three scandals: red - murder, green - envy and purple - affair. The tie-dye worked really well in getting the event recognized.

The big event started at 6 p.m. When people arrived at the check-in table, they received a confidential packet, which included a notepad, pen, name tag, biography of the character they would be playing and menu card. Once everyone entered the room they transformed into their character. I was pleasantly surprised by how much people got into their roles. During the first fifteen minutes, the landlord was killed. During the event, three clues were given. Each clue contained three suspects, which everyone then interviewed. Also with every clue came a new course on the menu.

At the end of the night, everyone was asked to write down who they thought killed the landlord and why. The winner was given a $20 gift certificate to Blackbird. We also gave awards out to the best actor, best liar and the murder. Approximately 45 people attended our event. A survey was distributed afterward, and the results were amazing. Everyone had a great time and most of the participates now want to watch "90210" and "Melrose Place."

My team worked extremely well together. We all put in a 100%, and I think it paid off. Each team member brought a different skill to the table, which turned out to be the recipe for success. Now all we have left is the put together the campaign book!!

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