Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Parents Were Right...

When I told my parents I wanted to study the field of public relations, they were skeptical. They wanted me to have a career in medicine or education; so, I would have job security. But I stuck with my passion. Due to the current economic situation, I sometimes think I should have listened to my parents. I have always dreaded graduating because I wouldn't be able to sleep in till 10 a.m. or wear jeans and t-shirts everyday. After reading this article, my fears of May 2010 approaching grew.

The article called "Job Market Turns Must Worse" describes the job market situation for journalism and mass communication graduates of 2008. Most of the graduates only received one job interview and were able to find full-time employment. The article states, "only six in 10 of the graduates had full-time employment six to eight months after graduation." This statistic is the lowest level of full-time employment reported by graduates in 23 years. Definitely not something a senior Mass Communication major wants to hear. This article made me think of what I had to bring to the table. Why would a PR firm hire me? What makes me so special that I can beat the odds?

Honestly, I have no idea. I am a good design - so are a lot of people. I am a great organizer and leader - so are a lot of people. This really makes me need to have a self evaluation session. I am not good at the whole "sell yourself" approach to job searching, but I need to be. I need to have more confidence in my work as an up & coming public relations professional. I do have a multitude of public relations experiences; thanks Dr. Miller my public relations professor who believes in giving her students real life experiences rather than classroom busy work. There is a start - my start to beating the odds.

The economy will improve. If anything starting my career in the worst economy ever should make me stronger in the long runI have always been an optimistic person. I am determined to prove to my parents and grandparents public relations is a serious career. . Ten years from now I will NOT be saying "my parents were right!"

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