Thursday, October 15, 2009

I will be the first to admit I am not the most environmental friendly person in the world. In my day to day life, I rarely think about my carbon footprint. I realize the importance of preserving our Earth. I do not litter yet I do not recycle. I think I am like many Americans who do not fully understand how my actions are directly affecting the environment. I have always wanted to change my ways and become environmentally responsible. I have wondered what I could be improving on. Thanks to this blog I realize simple changes can make a HUGE change.

Today I am going to start being more conscience of my decisions as it relates to the environment. Here is a list of I pledge myself to do:
1. Turn off my computer when I go to bed.
2. Recycle
3. Wash clothes with cold water
4. Buy local food (I have been wanting to go to the farmer's market!)
5. No longer preheat the oven (I had no idea)
6. Inform all my friends (something easy to do)

After reading the blog, I found I actually do more things to better the environment than I actually realize. For example, I always turn off the lights when I leave a room, I take short showers, I reuse wrapping paper, I always use a water bottle I refill, I only run the dishwasher when it is full and I turn the water off when I brush my teeth. I have a feeling people, like me, do not know they are already helping the environment. When people find out they are inadvertently helping out I think they will be more prone to step it up and consciously help out the environment.

Our world's climate issues can seem overwhelming. But if everyone helps out a little bit everyone will benefit in the long run. It is really just that simple!

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