Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ethics and PR

Everyone has some code of ethics they follow, whether they realize it or not. Personally, my ethics are usually defined around this question, "Would my parents be proud?" I know that is clique, but I truly feel this way. My family means the world to me, and I can not stand disappointing them. I rather someone be mad at me than be disappointed! When I decided to pursue Public Relations, my family was skeptical. They rather me be in the medical field or teaching because those are solid jobs. I told them to trust that I knew what I was doing. But the truth was I had no idea what I was doing! After being in the public relations concentration for two years, I realize picking mass communication as a major fit my personality perfectly.

I base my everyday morals on my family influences, which I also carry into my public relations life.

Honesty holds the top position on my personal code of ethics. In Public Relations, honesty to your coworkers or even your target audience is key. People have to trust in order to rely. If an employer ever asked to to lie, I do not think I could.I just to not have it in me.

I feel extremely strongly about anti-smoking. I could never promote tobacco companies. I have come to this position on smoking because both of my parents smoke, and I see what effects smoking has on a person and their family.

Another ethical stand I take is treat others the way you would want to be treated. I have learned this through my public relations classes. We have all been competitors, but in the end we treat each other with respect. I find it hard for myself to be mean, which is a good and bad thing. My position in my sorority is helping me learn how to stand up for myself.

When I enter the real world, I am not naive enough the think I am going to get my dream job right out of the gate. I know I am going to have to work my way up, which I am willing to do. I eventually want to have a job that holds my interest and challenges me, who doesn't? But I am willing to do the "dirty" work for the first few years in my career. If my job does not satisfy my emotional needs, then I can do those outside of the office. But in a dream world - I would want my job and happiness to coincide.

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