Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Now and Then

When I was a freshman at GCSU, I knew right away what I wanted my major to be: Mass Communication. Most freshman do not have that luxury, but I knew I belonged in Public Relations. I thought I knew what public relations entailed - event planning. However, after getting into the program I quickly found out public relations encompasses a whole lot more than meets the eye. I have also learned a lot about how the Mass Communication department at GCSU works.

1. Get the word procrastination out of your vocabulary!!
Public relations revolves around deadlines. Deadlines are to be taken seriously and approached weeks in advance. I have been apart of three events as a public relations student, and each is structured through an efficient timeline. Start work on a project right away so you will not be struggling towards the end to produce a below par result.

2. Know how to write a press release!!
Before entering the world of public relations learning how to write a press release is imperative. Here is the recipe for a great press release - catching and informative lead, perfect AP style, proper way to quote someone, organizing paragraphs in order of importance and correct format of the press release.

3. Learn how to take constructive criticism!!
I am an extremely sensitive person. I used to not take criticism well, but I now I understand the importance of constructive criticism. Professors are not picking on you while they point out your mistakes, they are trying to make you understand how to make it perfect the next time. I have only recently taken this rule to heart, but once you appreciate the criticism it makes your work that much better. After all, criticism is not personal - remember that.

4. Get to know your adviser and classmates!!
Your adviser is your mentor. They are the expert helping you along your journey in the world of Mass Communications. My public relations class has a strong bond. I never knew that would happen. We work so close together we are practically family. Our teacher (adviser) is a huge part of this family. I believe that if our class was not as close as we are then we would not produce such great events like we have in the past. In the public relations concentration, your classmates are your coworkers, and your teacher is your boss.

5. Search in advance for an internship!!
I was naive when I starting undergoing my internship search. I thought applying to eight would be far more than enough. Let me just say I was extremely wrong. I got denied from 7 of them. The one I got ended up being too far of a commute. Luckily, at the last minute I found an internship. This process was too stressful. Make sure your search in depth for internships and apply to as many as you can. On another internship note, once you have your internship learn from it. Even if this internship was not the one you wanted. An experience in the mass communications world is invaluable.

This list is just a small insight into what I know now that I wished I knew then. Honestly, everyone is going to have different experiences in the Mass Communication department. Enjoy every minute because college will FLY by in a blink of an eye. Take it from me - a senior who cannot believe this is my last year!

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