Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What to improve?

I have never been good at picking out my strengths and weakness. Self evaluation just does not come easily to me. But as an up-and-coming public relations professional I need to know where I stand and what skills I need improvement on. After reading about 14 key attributes a public relations professional should posses on DaveFleet.com , I could see the skill sets I contain and those that I need to work on.

My finest selling points are:

1) Work Ethic - When I am assigned something, I start working on it that day. I cannot rest until I know everything is perfect. Even if the perfection takes long hours to accomplish. I am a worker bee!

2) Communication Skills - As a freshman in college, I thought communication skills would be my downfall, but I have quickly learned communication is one of my strong suits. I am great at delegating, but I also never leave myself out of the mix. When I believe in a project I am presenting or a plan I am implementing, communication (vocal or written) becomes second nature.

3) Proactiveness - I listed proactiveness as one of my strengths because when I do not know something I always ask. I never let something pass me by because I do not feel like asking or looking it up. I do not take deadlines lightly. I live on time lines, even day to day! I have to know what to do next. I am not one to sit around and wait to be told what to do!

Now that I have gone through my strengths as an up-and-coming public relations professional according to the list provided by DaveFleet.com, it is now time to talk about my areas of improvement! Dun-Dun-Dunn

1) Writing - Since writing is at the core of public relations, I feel there is always need for improvement. My vocabulary is probably the weakest part of my writing. The thesaurus has been my best friend!

2) Media Relations - Even though I have my fair share of experience with media relations, contacting the media still scares me. I have always felt uncomfortable talking on the phone ( I won't even make my own doctor appointments). I have slowly gotten better with media relations. I am thankfully for the experience I have had now in college or else I would be at square one when I enter the workforce. At least im making progress!

3) Coding - I have taken two computer courses at GCSU. Both have helped me understand coding, but I feel I am still in the dark. Coding does not make sense to me. I have a lot of room for improvement in the skill of coding!

Now that I have picked out my strengths and weakness, I can spend the rest of my college career fine tuning my public relations skills. Come May 2010 WATCH OUT world of public relations!


  1. Wow! It is funny that you mentioned the phone skills fear. I have that too and even included it in my blog.

  2. Always keep learning!

    Rahul Varshneya
    PR Coach
