Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This Saturday my Public Relations Administration class put on the Athletic Auction at GCSU. At the beginning of the semester our class was divided into 4 teams of 3 to come up with the auction's theme. Each team did a great job of creating themes. The theme that was chosen was a motorcycle inspired lifesyle.

Our entire semester was geared toward making the auction a success. Everyone had certain tasks to make the vision complete. My specific job was to create the invitation and to post flyers downtown to promote the event. Before I knew it, it was time for the auction.

Friday morning before the auction, we began to decorate the Centennial center, which is where the auction took place. Again, everyone had a task to complete. Our class worked extremely well together to make the decorations come to life. Friday afternoon the location was almost fully decorated and we finally got a little taste of what our hard work would come to be.

Finally, the big day was here. Saturday was exciting. When people starting arriving, it as an indescribable feeling. It was the first major event I had ever helped put on. The entire night went better than imagined. I helped sell raffle tickets for the first part of the night, which was fun because I could interact with the people. The night was a great experience in event planning in the world of public relations. Luckily, we did not have to deal with crisis management.

I do not think the night would have been as fun if our class did not get along like we do. I always have a good time while with my class, and the auction only strengthen that feeling. I can only hope my future coworkers and I can get along that well (I can dream). Ha

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this post, Bailey! Our class rocked that auction! Woot! Go PR!
