Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Success

It amazes me that a person's job can revolve around blogging, tweeting and other social media - alone! I started to follow many business on Twitter and one day I saw a tweet saying this is their job: to keep up with social media for their business. I really could not believe it. Something that seems so simple can be a career path? I investigated this subject a little more.

On April 3, Coca-Cola launched a office of digital and social media. Clyde Tuggle, SVP of corporate affairs and productivity at Coke said, "Our future success depends on our continued ability to connect people to our brands and our company all around the world, one person at a time." So why not create an entire office to reach that goal? After reading the article on Coke in PRWeek, I understood why companies are putting so much time and effort into social media. They want to connect to their consumers, and what better way than social media?

Social media is immediate, and it involves consumers with a product. It is free to use, as long as you own a computer. It also makes a person feel personally connected to a company and that their opinion matters. This usually makes a person more inclined to use a certain product.

Now I completely understand why a company would hire one person for the sole purpose of keeping up with social media. It really can improve the company's standings in the long run.

For me social media is a means of communicating with my peers to and to market myself to the PR world. Now I see Twitter, Facebook and blogging as entertaining and informing. I hope when I enter the professional world I can use my social media skills.

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