Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I can not believe I am hooked on another social networking site. This one is called PROpenMic. There is something different about this site, which stands out to me...It is purely for public relations! How neat is that? PROpenMic has taken the idea of social networking and narrowed down their target audience.

I have not gotten the chance to take an in depth look at PROpenMic, but I can already tell it is going to be addicting. But now I do not have to search through a huge data base just to get to the subject I'm interested in.

This site just open a window into the public relations world with a click of the mouse. Now that I have been actively looking for an internship, I understand how frustrating searching for the perfect internship or job can be. I am hoping this site will slowly bridge the gap between job seeker and employer.

PROpenMic can also be used as a tool to learn about more sectors of public relations. This being my first full year in public relations, my knowledge of public relations is quite narrow. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge as best as I can, and PROpenMic will definitely help me.

Well now it is time for me to explore PROpenMic a little bit more! I'm excited.

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