Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eatonton's Got Talent

This video was taken at the Plaza Arts Center in Eatonton, Georgia. I am interning there this summer. I am so excited to experience my first taste into the real world of public relations at the Arts Center.

One event the Plaza Arts Center has planned for the summer is Eatonton's Got Talent. It is based on the show American Idol. The event will take place on June 6. To acquire talent for the competition auditions were held April 29 and May 6. This video was taken at the audiences. It showcases five of the people who are trying out for the competition. Lydia Ivanditti, the director of the Plaza Arts Center, introduces the video.

I have already starting publicizing for the event. The Plaza Arts Center is hoping for a large crowd because it is the same night as the Dairy Festival.

I have learned alot about public relations by taking PR Admin. I can now promote and run an event with confidence. The Athletic Auction has prepared me for Eatonton's Got Talent, and I cannot wait to put my experience to use!

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