Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby steps

The other day I got a chance to talk with someone, Charles, who has had experience with job hunting in the world of public relations. He told me about an intense job interview he had with a big time public relations firm. Before he had the real interview, he had to pass a writing test. The firm gave him a scenario and he had an hour to write a press release on the subject. I had no idea job interviews could be like this.
Charles explained to me there are three types of public relations jobs: a firm, corporate or nonprofit. Since the time is coming for me to find an internship this information was very important to me.
I always thought I would like a public relations firm atmosphere better because you are dealing with multiple projects, and to me that seems more interesting. But would I want my internship to be at a firm? It seems those internships would be more coffee fetching and paper copying, and those are the last things I want my internship to be about. I want to learn from my internship, to be pushed and potentially get a job from that company in the future.
On the other side of the spectrum we have nonprofit organizations. In these job situations, the organization would probably have only one public relations person, which has its pros and cons. The con for me is that I like working with a team, and the pro is having creative freedom.
Finally, there is the corporate side of public relations. I honestly do not know much about, but it seems to be the best of the firm and nonprofit worlds.
I am hoping my internship, which I'm still looking for, will open up some doors for me. The internship will be the baby step into the real world, which I dread with anticipation each day. Hopefully this summer will provide some much needed clarity. There are so many options out there, and I do not know which one is for me until I dive in.

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