Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Since the beginning of my Public Relations "career," I have had a multiple of unanswered questions. Some have been posted on previous blogs. I am happy to report after attending Real World PR on Friday, some of those lingering questions have been answered
Let's start with my most recent question: corporate or agency? In career path track of session 2, a panel discussed the pros and cons of both worlds. They explained that an agency is more likely to hire right after graduation. Also an agency has a more fast paced atmosphere, juggles multiple clients and offers a broad experience. On the other had, corporate public relations is more structured, conservative and one can build an identity with a certain brand. I'm still open to both but agency seems in my direction.

I also heard a panel speak about internships. This session was extremely usefully because I am on the hunt for a summer internship. The panel's advice ranged from do research on the company to how to organize a portfolio. They said to bring portfolio, resume, letters of recommendation and any graphic designs to an interview. Their best advice is to start small then go big. It is all about one step and at time ... oh ya and networking!

During the afternoon, I went to have my resume critique. I picked a person who I knew would hold nothing back, and boy he did not. He gave great pointers how to arrange my resume, and how to reword some descriptions I had. I am more confident in my resume now, which is a must.

The final panel discussion I went to was Travel, Tourism and Hospitality PR. I was extremely impressed by two of the speakers who were from Melissa Libby & Associates and the Georgia Aquarium. Both of these companies involve something I love (cooking and animals). I found great potential in future internships because you have to love you job.

Real World PR brought me many opportunities to network and find internship opportunities. This event was definitely worth wild because I got to hear advice from real public relations professionals.

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