Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PR and Hollywood

Today I am going to write about a recent article I read in "Public Relations Tactics." The article is called "Event planning intersection:where brands meet celebrities." This article stood out to me because I have also been fascinated with celebrity endorsements. Probably because I am a huge fan of movies and Hollywood in general.

The article by Dana Marciniak explains how to work with celebrity accounts and how to pitch your event or product to the media. A celebrity name can instantaneously draw attention to an event and get coverage. Hopefully, the coverage will be positive, and that is why who you chose to be the representative is crucial.

When I see celebrities on television being a spokesperson for a certain product, I stop and think if they are really using it. Especially, when a 30 year old actress is promoting wrinkle cream! Sometimes, I get frustrated when I see Tiger Woods endorsing Gillette when he already makes millions upon millions of dollars with many other endorsement deals and winning gold tournaments. Why do celebrates make so much money just for saying they use a certain product? This was my opinion pre-public relations student.

Now being on the public relations side, I understand why companies would want celebrity endorsements. It is because they are one of the best ways to get your product's name recognized. What professional does not want their product to be synonymous with Tiger Woods? It is all about maximum coverage for an event or product, and one huge way to get that attention can be through a celebrity endorsement.

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