Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twitter Mania Begins...

The first time I ever heard about Twitter was from Dr. Miller, of course, in Law.

I was apprehensive at first when our class was told to get a Twitter account. What was I to expect? Would I like it? Would it be difficult to learn how to use?

Now I can finally answer those longing questions after about a week of tweeting, and the verdict is...I am obsessed. I have to admit when I first started using Twitter I was very confused. I did not understand the @ replies or blind tweeds or pretty much anything. After a class discussion, Twitter finally clicked with me, and we have been inseparable since! One of my favorite qualities about Twitter is how quick it is. It's a great way to get an instant response from someone. It is simple and effective medium. Also, I have noticed, a great way to get internship ideas. I have been looking hard for some; so, it's nice getting ideas from professionals.

I am so glad I have been introduced to Twitter. It is almost equal with the time I spend on facebook, which is a lot of time! It is a great networking tool that I will keep using.

1 comment:

  1. I felt like I had all the same questions as you when Dr. Miller would always talk about it in Law class! I'm so glad we finally know what she was talking about!
