Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twitter Mania Begins...

The first time I ever heard about Twitter was from Dr. Miller, of course, in Law.

I was apprehensive at first when our class was told to get a Twitter account. What was I to expect? Would I like it? Would it be difficult to learn how to use?

Now I can finally answer those longing questions after about a week of tweeting, and the verdict is...I am obsessed. I have to admit when I first started using Twitter I was very confused. I did not understand the @ replies or blind tweeds or pretty much anything. After a class discussion, Twitter finally clicked with me, and we have been inseparable since! One of my favorite qualities about Twitter is how quick it is. It's a great way to get an instant response from someone. It is simple and effective medium. Also, I have noticed, a great way to get internship ideas. I have been looking hard for some; so, it's nice getting ideas from professionals.

I am so glad I have been introduced to Twitter. It is almost equal with the time I spend on facebook, which is a lot of time! It is a great networking tool that I will keep using.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Economic Downfall

This economic recession has gotten me thinking about potential job opportunities or lack there of. My parents and friends keep mentioning how the job market will be slim to none. All of this talk got me really worried about my chances in finding a great Public Relations job after I graduate. Luckily, this changed when I read "PR in 2009 - dark clouds, but pros see a silver lining." This article gave a positive outlook on the future of PR. This news was shock to me but definitely a good shock. I figured the recession would bring all careers down, but the article addressed how all businesses need to keep the trust of their publics, and communication is the key to that trust. This news was a lift off my shoulders. It makes sense that communication will always be needed, and therefore, careers dealing with communication will always be around. I'm not saying it will be piece of cake to find a job, but it will be possible.